Shipping, Returns, & Refund Policy

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The following are the Shipping, Returns, and Refund Policies for Health Care Products of Earth Green Goods, from hereon referred to as "The Company".

Shipping Policy

The Company DOES NOT SELL OR SHIP PRODUCTS ADVERTISED ON OUR SITE. ALL SALES AND SHIPPING ARE HANDLED BY THE RESPECTIVE MERCHANTS FROM WHOM PURCHASES ARE MADE. The Company has no direct relationship with any of the merchants and DOES NOT act in behalf of any merchant in any way, means, or form whatsoever. ALL SHIPPING ENQUIRIES MUST BE DIRECTED TO THE MERCHANT WHOM YOU BOUGHT PRODUCTS FROM. The Company only serves as a referral to the merchants whose products are shown on this website.

Returns Policy

The Company DOES NOT handle product returns. ALL PRODUCT RETURNS MUST BE DIRECTED TO THE MERCHANTS WHOM PRODUCTS ARE PURCHASED FROM. Each merchant has their own policies regarding product returns. The Company has no relationship with any merchant with regards to how returns are handled and we DO NOT serve as a middle-man or liason in any bewteen you and the merchant whose product you need to return. ALL PRODUCT RETURN QUERRIES MUST BE DIRECTED TO THE MERCHANT WHOM YOU BOUGHT THE PRODUCTS FROM.

Refund Policy

PLEASE DIRECT ALL REFUND REQUESTS TO THE MERCHANT WHOM YOU BOUGHT THE PRODUCTS FROM. The Company DOES NOT handle refund requests on behalf of any of the merchants whose products are advertised on this website. As such, we will NOT be able to assist you in any way regarding refunds. Each merchant has their own refund policy, so check with them as the need arises.